IQ, or Intelligence Quotient, is a way to measure a person’s intelligence through standardized tests. While most people have an IQ between 85 and 115, some individuals have scored far below this range. But who has the lowest IQ ever recorded? Is it even possible to have an IQ of 0? In this article, we will explore these questions, discuss the causes of extremely low IQ, and examine whether intelligence is more than just a number.
What Is IQ? (Easy Explanation!)
IQ stands for Intelligence Quotient, a number that represents a person’s cognitive abilities compared to others. It is calculated through various standardized tests that measure problem-solving skills, logical reasoning, memory, and mathematical ability.
The IQ scale generally follows this pattern:
- Above 130 – Very Superior Intelligence
- 120 – 129 – Superior Intelligence
- 110 – 119 – High Average Intelligence
- 90 – 109 – Average Intelligence
- 80 – 89 – Low Average Intelligence
- 70 – 79 – Borderline Intellectual Functioning
- Below 70 – Intellectual Disability
A person with an IQ below 70 is considered to have an intellectual disability, but can someone actually have a 0 IQ? Let’s find out.
Can Someone Have a 0 IQ? (Let’s Find Out!)
Theoretically, an IQ score of 0 is nearly impossible. The lowest IQ ever recorded was around 20, which indicates a profound intellectual disability. An IQ of 0 would mean complete lack of brain function, which is only possible if a person is in a coma or lacks higher brain activity altogether.
Even individuals with severe cognitive impairments typically score between 20 and 40. These individuals may struggle with basic communication, learning, and performing daily tasks. However, they are still capable of some level of awareness and interaction with their surroundings.
Who Holds the Record for the Lowest IQ?
There are no official records documenting the lowest IQ ever recorded, as IQ scores are rarely published for individuals with profound disabilities. However, historical cases suggest some people have had extremely low IQs, often due to severe genetic conditions, birth defects, or brain injuries.

The Lowest IQ in History
While there is no single documented case of the lowest IQ in history, experts believe that certain individuals with severe mental impairments, such as those born with anencephaly (a condition where parts of the brain and skull are missing), could technically have an IQ close to zero. However, these individuals do not survive long after birth.
A Person Who Couldn’t Learn
There have been rare cases of individuals with IQs below 30, who struggle to learn even basic concepts. Many of these cases occur in people with severe intellectual disabilities caused by genetic disorders like Down syndrome or untreated conditions like hypothyroidism at birth. These individuals often require lifelong care and assistance.
The IQ Test That Shocked Everyone
IQ tests can sometimes reveal shockingly low scores, but they are not always accurate. Some individuals may score extremely low due to lack of education, poor test-taking skills, or nervousness. This is why IQ tests should be considered alongside real-world abilities rather than a sole measure of intelligence.
What Causes Extremely Low IQ?
Several factors can lead to very low IQ scores, including:
- Genetic Disorders – Conditions like Down syndrome and Fragile X syndrome can result in lower IQs.
- Birth Complications – Lack of oxygen during birth can cause brain damage, leading to intellectual disabilities.
- Malnutrition – Poor nutrition during childhood affects brain development and cognitive function.
- Brain Injuries – Severe head injuries can permanently impact intelligence.
- Lack of Education – Children who do not receive proper schooling may perform poorly on IQ tests.
- Exposure to Toxins – Lead poisoning and drug exposure in the womb can severely affect brain development.
People with extremely low IQs often require special education, therapy, and lifelong support. However, intelligence is not always about IQ scores alone.
Can Someone With a Low IQ Be Smart in Other Ways?
Absolutely! IQ tests measure logical reasoning and problem-solving abilities, but they do not measure creativity, emotional intelligence, social skills, or practical knowledge. Many people with low IQs excel in areas like music, art, sports, and hands-on work.
For example, some individuals with learning disabilities may struggle with academic subjects but have amazing mechanical skills or artistic talents. Intelligence is diverse, and a low IQ does not mean someone is completely incapable.
Famous People with Low IQs
Surprisingly, some famous individuals have been reported to have lower-than-average IQs. While IQ scores are rarely made public, some historical figures and celebrities have struggled with academic intelligence but excelled in other areas.

- Forrest Gump (Fictional Character) – While fictional, Forrest Gump is an example of how someone with a lower IQ can still achieve great things through kindness, determination, and life experiences.
- Boxers and Athletes – Some professional fighters, football players, and athletes have struggled with academics but became highly successful through talent and hard work.
- Celebrities with Learning Disabilities – Many famous actors and musicians, such as Tom Cruise and Albert Einstein (who reportedly had dyslexia), faced academic challenges but excelled in their fields.
This proves that success is not always dependent on a high IQ.
Are IQ Tests Always Correct?
IQ tests are not perfect and do not measure all types of intelligence. Some people may score low due to anxiety, lack of formal education, or language barriers. Additionally, emotional intelligence, creativity, and problem-solving in real life are not accurately reflected in IQ scores.
How Can Someone Improve Their IQ?
While IQ is partly genetic, there are ways to improve cognitive abilities:
- Reading and Learning – Regular learning keeps the brain active.
- Brain Exercises – Puzzles, memory games, and problem-solving activities can boost IQ.
- Healthy Diet – Eating brain-boosting foods like fish, nuts, and vegetables supports brain function.
- Regular Exercise – Physical activity improves oxygen flow to the brain.
- Getting Enough Sleep – Proper rest is crucial for brain performance.
Thoughts: Does IQ Really Matter?
While IQ is one way to measure intelligence, it does not define a person’s value, skills, or potential. Many people with average or low IQs have found success in various fields through hard work, creativity, and perseverance.
The Bottom Line
The lowest IQ ever recorded is unknown, but extreme cases of intellectual disability do exist. However, intelligence is not solely determined by IQ scores. Many people with lower IQs succeed in life by using other strengths such as creativity, social intelligence, and determination.
Instead of focusing only on IQ numbers, it is important to recognize that intelligence is complex and diverse. Everyone has different abilities, and success is not limited to those with high IQ scores. Whether someone has an IQ of 60, 90, or 130, what truly matters is how they use their strengths to navigate life.